
People are always looking for a new way to train at home, and the fitness market is more competitive than it’s been in my entire career. Everyone has a new product, feature, or heck, even brand. Any app can say they have something cool, but is it what their customers actually want? Or what do they actually need? How personalized can something be that tracks your general movement, not how your actual body is moving? That’s where JRNY with Motion Tracking comes in. We listened to our customers tell us they didn’t want to think about their workouts. They wanted credit for their efforts, but they wanted to focus on the moment and the feeling of the workout, not the laborious task of tracking or thinking about their next set of exercises and the weight they should be doing. Even more important, they want to do things right and know they are on the path to correct form as it relates to their body and movements.

The JRNY UI is clean and simple by design. A challenge we always face on the Creative and Marketing side is staying true to the JRNY UI while trying to elevate it with a clear, easy-to-understand customer-facing story. It was a fun study to assess our competitors already in the market touting “similar functionality” and see how we could create a different experience. While competitors chose over-done flash and distraction (one might say too much creative license), we landed at something clear, functional, clean, contemporary, and “tech-like” without doing tech for tech's sake.

Results: contributed momentum and growth to JRNY digital program, giving hundreds of thousands of dumbbell owners a great new subscription option; in FY23, total JRNY membership reached 508K – representing 56% growth compared to Q4 FY22.



Our main goal was to deliver a “3-second visual.” In 3 seconds, can someone immediately understand what Motion Tracking can provide for them? In our photos and videos, you'll see that we created a whole body multi-point tracking visual that does a few things – first, it aims to compete and beat the “box” that Peloton uses only to track general movement. Secondly, we use it to show that tracking is truly personalized with JRNY; regardless of a user’s size or skin color, it tracks your unique dynamic movement. When your body parts move, so does our tracking approach. It seems logical, but other brands are not doing it like this, plain and simple. Unlike competitors who require you to buy hardware to receive comparable technology, we make it clear there’s no new equipment to buy. Additionally, we use impactful visuals to show that reps are seamlessly counted for someone. The Motion Tracking messaging conveys the benefit of freeing mental load for our users and that JRNY truly thinks on your behalf while keeping you motivated and on track for the next workout.

Art Director: Marli Hughes
Creative Director: Michael Robinson
Photography: Dennis Herron
Director/Editor/Motion: VCR100
DP: Scotty Uyeda
Sr. Marketing Manager: Bridget Berquist

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