
Fit into these jeans. Look like your favorite celebrity. Push yourself past your comfort zone to be someone else. Our social media feeds are littered with these messages and external motives. People don’t want to be convinced they can look a certain way. They want to feel a certain way. In the sea of fitness options, no one is speaking to them. Fitness should feel personal. Over time, our customers also changed, and we didn’t change enough with them along the way.

I was trusted to lead the first-ever complete rebrand of our iconic home fitness brand, BowFlex, which was an almost two-year process. I drove every step from repositioning, agency RFP and hiring COLLINS, brand strategy, final new system development and then eventually led our small internal team of four to execute both consumer and corporate identity rebrands in a short timeline globally across web, social, packaging, product, and more.

Results: social content engagements immediately increased by 30%+. Social web clicks immediately went up 250%. BowFlex was given placement preference by key Retailers, with the most important Retail partner saying, “no one else is doing something like this.” The executive team chose to ride the momentum and also rebrand the corporate identity. Email marketing unsubscribe rates remained flat as promotional conversion increased from prior designs. The new BowFlex connects on a new emotional level and has a meaningful, differentiated purpose and place for consumers looking to choose among so many options competing on price and features.


The Brand SYSTEM

Working with the amazing people at COLLINS to transform the iconic brand I love so dearly was a career-changing experience. I spent months diving into research in order to give the brand a clearer purpose - the brand our customers deserve. To understand our customers like never before and give them the brand they deserve. I enjoyed debating typefaces, nuances of personality, and various ways we could push ourselves while ensuring longevity and something to hold the test of time. Through it all, we landed on a beautiful and expansive brand system that consistently shows “we get you.”

The Launch

Following the work with COLLINS we looked to our amazing team of partners to bring the new world of BowFlex to life and set the stage of the road ahead. First we looked to the good people at Herman-Scheer to pull together a full production of the new creative styles outlined in our new brand guidelines. Along with a full asset library, the output was two films to launch the brand and all-new approaches to photography with the ultra-talented Brenton Salo - a sampling of our new dynamic movement, emotive color, and portrait photography is below.


As we got deeper into creative production we caught wind that unfortunately we would have very little paid spend to launch this epic new BowFlex. Our small internal team took that as “challenge accepted.” Over six months we tackled everything from a whole new website design, email design system, product packaging, social media and more. See below for the highlights.

Brand Identity: COLLINS
Art Director: Marli Hughes
Brand Director: Michael Robinson
‍Photo/Video Production: Herman-Scheer
Copywriter: Pamela Fiehn
Photography: Brenton Salo
Editor/Motion: VCR100
Sr. Marketing Manager: Bridget Berquist
Digital Designer: Hilliary Alway

crew love


BowFlex Moves Forward


JRNY with Motion Tracking