TreadClimber commercials hold a special place in my heart because they marked a pivotal turning point in my career, as they allowed me to learn the art of crafting compelling TV commercials from scratch. I led every step, from selecting potential talent to pre-production on creative to shooting, and eventually post-production.

The creative recipe? Take our best-selling low-impact walking product of all time — one that saved lives across the US, Canada, and the world, and compel people struggling with real-life stories of those just like them. For many, it started with reading the emails they sent to Bowflex. I then cold-called people to hear their stories and see if they would share their inspiration with others.

We were spoiled by these individuals who gave us a glimpse into their struggles and darkest moments and allowed us to celebrate all they worked for. Find amazing people who have a vast array of backgrounds and stories. Once in-person, film a sit-down interview where we get into every bit of their fitness journey and their experience with the Bowflex TreadClimber. Then, film them on the product. Then, film them doing something active and fun thanks to the new life the TreadClimber has helped them achieve. The days were long, but the people, again, just made it. Post-production on these projects was especially fun because it always felt like a puzzle. I found the best quotes that built on each other and told this complete package of reasons why the TreadClimber is so compelling. But at the end of the day “it just wrote itself” thanks to the people.

Results: the compelling consistency of this creative approach, contributed to a 50% decrease in lead acquisition costs, saving hundreds of thousands for the business.

Creative Director: Michael Robinson
Director/TV Production: Space Cadet

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Max Trainer TV


Bowflex HVT